Traffic is the currency of the web. Not just any traffic, but high
quality traffic.
If you’ve been reading any marketing blog for anything more than a
week now you would have come across an article or two giving you
tips on how to drive traffic to your blog. Many of these articles talk
about various common means to generate traffic, and some of them
can be as long or short as possible. There are even articles that list
as much as 101 ways to generate traffic. The problem with many of
these articles is that due to the fact that the tips in these articles are
starting to become very common, a lot of new bloggers want more
unique ways to drive traffic to their blogs. Mind you, I’m not saying
the tactics listed in any of these kind of articles don’t work; in most
cases, they do! If you’re looking for more unique ways to drive traffic
to your blog this article will be giving you 4 unique ways to drive
traffic to your blog. Some of them you might not have heard, and
some of them you might be familiar with, but these tactics are yet to
be blogged to death, and by implementing them you can easily get
some cool results for your blog.
Use Blogger Groups/Tribes
One of the most common ways to drive traffic to your blog is by
making use of blogger groups or tribes. In most cases, these tribes
consist of a group of bloggers with the same goal, interested in
sharing their audience to help each other get better results. In other
words, if there are 100 people in a group with 900 Twitter followers
each, every member will share the post of each other with their
followers, and combined, that means the message of a single
member will be able to reach up to 90,000 Twitter followers. There
are a lot of groups online where this is done manually, but one great
website that has automated this, and that has a great user base
already, is Triberr.
Use Social “Blogmarking” Sites
Another way you can get traffic to your blog is by making use of
social blogmarking sites. The word “blogmarking” might be new to
you, but it’s just like another form of social bookmarking site, just
that this time, the site focuses on blogs only instead of general
websites. There are a lot of social blogmarking sites online with
great support for bloggers, and the two popular ones I can
recommend is Blokube (which I’m a moderator of) and Blog Engage.
Blog Aggregators
You can also get traffic to your blog by making use of blogging
aggregators. Most of these aggregators try to be the best source of
information online on any subject. While they don’t provide detailed
articles on any subject, they link to the latest, or the best, articles on
the blogs in their index. In most cases, your blog needs to meet their
criteria to be accepted, but if you are, they can be a cool source of
traffic to you.
Two great examples of blog aggregators are Alltop and Before Its
Piggyback on Authority Sites
One thing about the internet is that there are so many big and highly
respected sites that are focused on providing quality information to
their users on various subjects. In most cases, some of these sites
allow their users to contribute or edit information on them, and they
also require the person contributing or editing the articles to include
a link to the source of their information. There are a lot of these kind
of websites online that we ignore. For example, take a look at
Wikipedia or Yahoo Answers. You can easily contribute to any of
these sites, and if necessary, include a link to an highly informative
page on your blog that verifies your information in the reference
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