Monday, October 17, 2011

5 Places to Generate Enough Content Ideas to Keep Your Blog Running

The reality of blogging is that to be able to build a
successful blog you need content, and you need a
lot of it.
It doesn’t matter what format your content takes,
you need to work on ensuring you have an endless
source of content ideas to help you run your blog
and market it outside your field.
I have written over 1,000 articles in the past 2 years
and within that period I have faced my on share of
problems with getting content ideas. In this article I
will be giving you a few places where you can easily
generate enough content ideas to keep your blog

Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo! answers is a very useful tool and my favorite Yahoo! product
(that is if I use any of their other products).
The reason I so much love Yahoo! answers is because I have clients
in several niches and I know next to nothing about these niches. All I
need to do to get enough idea about what to write on is to visit the
category of that niche on Yahoo! answers, take a look at the recent
questions and then write a blog post aimed at providing an answer to
that question.
Your Favorite Forums
If you’re looking to write your next popular blog post then you might
want to try getting ideas from your favorite forums. In most cases
these forums have the best content ideas for you simply because they
are more specific to your niche and have been able to attract every
level of people who care about your niche.
Try to take a look a your favorite forums, look at the common
questions asked by most members and then try to provide a solution
to that question on your blog.
The Top Blogs in Your Field
I can only start to imagine the number of blog post ideas I have
gotten from Copyblogger alone.
The best place I get the ideas needed to write most of my blog posts
is from the top blogs in my field. The good thing about that is that
aside from the fact that these blogs have enough blog posts that you
can read to get ideas on what to write about they also have well
written and educative points that can inspire your ideas.
It is important however not to just copy these blogs blatantly. Read
their articles, see if you can write a better version of it with unique
points on your blog, or better still, write a follow up on it.
Your Favorite Books
Some of the most successful articles I have written till date, both on
my blog and on other blogs, were inspired by some of my favorite
books. Whenever I read a physical book I see what a lot of people
who spend the majority of their time online are missing.
The reality is that physical books are still useful and contain a lot
more tips than most people think. While that book might have been
written in 1960 it contains a lot more ideas that are applicable to this
age than you can even imagine.
Social Networking Sites
If you’re reading this there is every probability you are on Twitter
and or Facebook already and there is also every probability you
follow a number of experts in your niche. Whenever you are in need
of content ideas all you need to do is go through your Twitter or
Facebook stream and then read a few of the blog posts shared by the
experts you are following. In the process of reading those articles
shared you will have gotten enough ideas to keep your blog updated
for at least a week.For you not to miss the next post click here