Although the fact that the dengue virus is considered a global threat
for centuries now, scientists still know little about how the virus
infects cells and causes diseases. New researches have begun to
shed a little light to this medical mystery such as how the virus
damages cells and how the immune system in turn responds to this
attack. Recently, scientists supported by the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), have been and are still
trying various methods on developing vaccines against the deadly
disease. There are researches that focus on weakened versions of
the dengue virus as potential vaccine candidates not only against
dengue but also against other related viruses. Other projects are
trying to develop vaccines using DNA, proteins, and viral vectors.
Others still focus on preventing mosquitoes from transmitting the
dengue virus.
Many of these projects are certainly remarkable and promising and
we hope that one day we will be able to benefit from one if not all of
these worthy medical pursuits.For you not to miss the next post click here