Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Start Your Online Earning Without The Fear of Failure

The question many are facing is how do I start? Who can I trust?
What do I need? How much money is this going to cost me? Do I have to take any courses? And many more questions fly around.
Let's get to it. The most important thing to do is to buy a website, build a list with an opt-in page and create a product
that you give away when someone subscribes. With these three things you can start straight away to build a business.
The first objective is to collect a list of potential buyers, this is
known as "the List". The list is important because it is your
own group of prospects that have shown an interest in what you have to offer.
This list is what you need to first capture, grow and cultivate. It seems a very simple concept but if you do this right, the list
will trust you and buy from you. What you have to do first are:
1. Select a website
2. Create an opt-in page
3. Link sign up box to auto-responder
4. Create a free report or gift
5. Send out report or gift each time a prospect subscribes by
entering their details onto your web-page and submitting the
6. Follow-up with emails, audios and offers
The website is needed so that you can host an opt-in page sometimes known as a landing page. This page gives the information which allows the prospect to decide whether he or she is going to enter their name and email address for your free offer.
The only purpose of this page is to get people to sign up, so
your free offer and information must be compelling.
Concentrate on getting people to subscribe, so if the content or graphics is not contributing to that goal then remove it from the page. The other thing to note is that the web-page should be stand-alone, the prospect either subscribes or they leave.
The auto-responder is a tool that automatically captures the details from the website and can then send out the free offer you have put together. You use the auto-responder by pre-
loading content into it. So you will write a welcome and thank you email for each subscriber and save this into the auto-
I hope this help
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